#90 – “Let It Rain” – solo & tutorial

Been a long time coming with this one… nearly a month. My schedule keeps getting tighter and tighter, leaving less time at the studio for me to record these videos. I’m not bailing on the idea, but my schedule may be a little erratic going forward.

Anyway, I’ve never been a big fan of Clapton’s playing. He’s had tons of great songs that I really dig, but his guitarin’ just never grabbed me.

Lots of good stuff in this song though (which I wasn’t familiar with before). People often have a hard time using major pentatonics; their phrasing pulls towards the 6th (implying the relative minor) rather than the tonic. It’s understandable, as most pentatonic licks people learn are for the minor, but even when improvising people will often try to resolve phrases on the wrong note!

This song is a gold mine of major licks utilizing a shape people typically associate with minor. Definitely worth a try.