My EHX Memory Toy broke at a recent gig. I’ve ordered the necessary parts to fix it, but they haven’t arrived yet and I’ve got Copycats show! Slapback delay is a must for that kind of stuff, and I don’t currently have the money to go pick up a new delay.
But I can afford the Monoprice one! It cost me less than $25, and I’m very pleased with what it delivers.
It’s a standard no-frills digital delay. The controls are exactly what you’d expect: time, feedback, and a wet/dry mix. The wet/dry control is labeled “echo” and seems to max out at 50/50 wet/dry, which I find very convenient, as I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve wanted anything wetter than 50/50. The time knob is a big white chicken head knob and the other two controls are standard micro knobs. Time ranges from 25ms-600ms. You can also get some self-oscillation going when you push the feedback control past 3 o’clock. I have no use for such sounds, so I appreciate that the pedal isn’t overly sensitive in this regard. The switch has a nice click to it, no audible noise upon activation, and is true-bypass.
The casing is, I assume, aluminum. It’s the standard micro-sized casing that’s been popularized by TC Electronics, the micro TS from Ibanez, and other such pedals. Speaking of TC, this pedal would be best compared to the Flashback Mini. It’s only a quarter the price and sounds great (especially for the cost). The big bonus on the Flashback is the TonePrint feature, but if you just need a simple delay on the cheap, this is a great option.
But does it sound good? That’s why the video is up there. I don’t have the necessary equipment to record it properly, but you’ll get the idea. The delayed sound gets a bit gritty as it goes on, but it never gets harsh or muddy. All-in-all, I’m quite happy with it, and am considering keeping it on my board even after I’ve repaired the Memory Toy.