#93 – “The End” – solo & tutorial

#93 on the list is “The End” by the Doors. This song is just a big droning jam, and if you’re going to learn the whole thing, it’s best to just learn a few of the little things Krieger does throughout the tune and just improvise the rest.

The solo is pretty simple to take note-for-note though. You can play everything but the bend at the end with just one finger!

First, you need to tune to double drop D tuning. That’s where you tune both E strings down to D. The whole song is really dependent on having that droning D note on top.

Also, the track is flat. In fact, that whole album is flat. It was probably some tape machine that was running slightly fast or something, but it’s far enough off that it sounds REALLY bad when you try to play along. Either bump the track up slightly (about 25 cents) or dial in your tuning by ear.

Anyways, have fun.